Search Results (crisis response)

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

No apologies: Startup fails to say it’s sorry, botching crisis response

On Thursday, The New York Times   profiled , a site where people share information about their online purchases. It was a good day for the startup. Then Friday dawned, and a  new story — a far more negative one — germinated on the Web. The credit card information of people who used Blippy was turning up on Google searches. Yikes . The startup’s response : “While it looks super-scary and certainly sucks for those few people who were affected, and is embarr…

Ragan Insider   |  Brad Phillips

7 response modes for a crisis

As quickly as print journalists would jump on a misstep or controversy, today’s online news hawks (including the citizenry at large) make it essential to reply quickly and potently.