Search Results (case study)

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

6 steps to effective blogger outreach , a telephone service for entrepreneurs, recently changed its name from —“and it’s become a classic case study in well-done rebranding and high-quality blogger outreach,” wrote marketing consultant Andy Sernovitz. He broke down the six steps to this outreach program, including step no. 1: “[ ] mailed a buzz-worthy gift to bloggers—a bag of ready-to-eat chocolate covered insects.”

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Guerilla marketing campaign reaps huge benefits for company

Disclaimer: This isn’t a recommendation to break the law— ahem —just an interesting case study. Tax Today, an Australian accounting firm offering quick refunds on tax return, placed ads on ATM machines suggesting Tax Today customers get their money back in as little time as it takes to receive cash from the ATM. The signs were put up at 3 a.m. in the morning by two people. That morning, bank employees removed the signs—before customers could see them, but not before marketers film…