6 ways to handle a failed pitch
Are your media relations efforts meeting radio silence? Here’s what you can do about it.
Are your media relations efforts meeting radio silence? Here’s what you can do about it.
Like food with ingredients just out of the garden, the best PR is fresh and local.
A recent study of popular TED talks reveals why some speakers captivate audiences better than others. Do you possess any of these qualities?
The two companies have gotten mostly great PR out of the moves, though a few vocal critics are speaking up, too.
The organization strongly opposes the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rule that forces companies to give the ratio of CEO pay to a typical worker’s pay. It explained it with a sports analogy.
With the explosion of digital media and round-the-clock news coverage, preparing for an interview has a whole new meaning.
The hoax, disguised as a Bloomberg story, caused shares to jump more than 8 percent.
A recent article argued that leaders should only use Twitter to passively listen. This agency head strongly disagrees.
Many social media platforms are introducing new tools that give users a filtered look at news and current events. Brands can take advantage, too.
Sometimes clients expect too much. Sometimes expectations aren’t clear. Other times, there’s just no news.
Public relations is constantly changing, but a few bits of wisdom are as true now as they were a century ago.
This week, job seekers can apply for a PR manager position in Austin, Texas, capital of the best state for making a living, according to MoneyRates.com.
Unsure of how best to use social media for your brand? These tips will help keep you from embarrassing yourself.
Politeness, patience and a little leg work can really help nudge a reporter toward taking an interest in your story.
According to one writer, being too prescriptive about writing is passé. That, plus plagiarism and diversity issues in this week’s roundup.