Search Results (humor)

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Not PC enough: Microsoft pulls sponsorship from Fox’s ‘Family Guy’

Microsoft said it will not sponsor a special episode of Fox’s popular and controversial “Family Guy” TV show, scheduled to air Nov. 8. The episode, titled “Family Guy Presents: Seth and Alex’s Almost Live Comedy Show,” was set to run commercial-free, with marketing promotions for Microsoft’s newly released Windows 7 built into the script. Most of the special includes typical ‘Family Guy’-style jokes, “including riffs on deaf p…

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Obama, comedian-in-chief, adds humor to State of the Union address

Did you catch last night’s State of the Union address? Today you’ll read and hear lots of commentary on the speech, from the right and the left. Among the things both sides might be able to agree on is that the president threw in several laughs for the audience. On healthcare, the president said dryly, “By now, it should be fairly obvious that I didn’t take on healthcare because it was good politics.” And regarding monthly meetings with leaders from both parties, Obama looked at R…

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18 Facebook members that scare you, annoy you, sicken you, amuse you …

Do you know this guy on Facebook, the “Relentless, Disingenously Humble Self-Promoter,” who posts status updates like, “Wish me luck at the interview — I hope the headhunter doesn’t realize I’m not qualified to hold such a crazy-impressive title!” What about the “Girl with a Crappy Job Who Really, Really Can’t Wait for Friday”? What about these 16 other Facebook members?

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John McCain has a sense of humor — here’s proof

Former presidential candidate McCain is locked in a heated campaign with J.D. Hayworth, an Arizona radio host, for the state’s Republican nomination. Friends of the McCain campaign released this Web video poking fun at Hayworth for his opinions on horse-man love and vampires.

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Behind the scenes of the Carter Administration’s communication team

This week, Jody Powell, the former press secretary to President Carter, passed away. James Fallows, a national correspondent for The Atlantic , worked with Powell in the Carter White House. Fallows was then a young speechwriter reporting to Powell. In a blog post, Fallows offered his thoughts on Powell, the communicator. “Reporters generally respected his intelligence, his toughness, his honesty, his hard-bitten sense of humor, and his unparalleled knowledge of the President’s mind, manner, and tem…

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Foursquare cops shoot to kill

This video from HubSpot is circulating the Web this week. It’s a spoof of the television show “Cops,” in which the authorities track down suspects who break the rules of the social media site Foursquare. If you don’t get most of the humor, don’t worry — we didn’t either. Related The Business Insider Confessions of a Foursquare addict.

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Who knew Sarah Palin was this funny? Ex-gov cracks wise at Gridiron Club

Sarah Palin spoke Saturday at the winter dinner of the Gridiron Club, “an organization of Washington journalists where parody and satire are the required entertainment form,” The Wall Street Journal reported. During her talk, Palin, who has declared war on the media, remarked: “Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts. And when you don’t, you end up in a place like this.” She then said, “Try the veal.” Just kidding. Rep. Barney Frank also spoke at the event.

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David Pogue launches a PR push to defend himself

It seems like David Pogue, the technology critic for The New York Times , has spent the last couple days dashing from Web site to Web site defending himself against critics — many of whom have mischaracterized a statement he made during a tech podcast. During the podcast, Pogue said, “I am not a reporter,” which rankled lots of folks, who thought he was referring to not disclosing his book-writing projects in his columns. However, Pogue was referring to a question about why he didn…

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How to safely inject humor into PR

It is now safe to add humor to your PR campaigns, wrote Andrew Fowler, founder of Newsvetter PR consultancy. However, before you launch into a comedy routine, Fowler has several safety tips he thinks you need to check out first.

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Was it OK for Obama to laugh so much on ‘60 minutes’?

Obama laughed several times while answering tough questions about the economy during his appearance on 60 Minutes, which aired Sunday night. At one point the interviewer asked the president if he was “punch drunk.” Obama called it “gallows humor.” Should the president be laughing at this moment?