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Snobbery is a smart Twitter strategy

“The only people you should follow on Twitter are people who are immediately interesting to you or people who might become interesting to you,” says blogger Mitch Joel . “Ignore the rest.” Joel admits that this is not very social media but it’s necessary in a noisy Twittersphere. Do you agree with this strategy? — Matthew Royse

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Study: Boomers slow to adopt mobile Web

A new study says that more than 85 percent of Baby Boomers own mobile phones; however, eMarketer reported that only 55 percent “consider their mobile phone a necessity.” eMarketer noted that “Boomers’ mobile Internet adoption rates will be similar to their social media uptake — that is, slow. They must see the benefits before they sign on.” Related WebProNews “Facebook and Twitter access via mobile browsers has grown by triple digits in the past year, according t…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

A professional blogger’s view of PR pros: ‘Rude and impatient’

How has the recession affected bloggers, and how has it affected their view of PR professionals? Those questions are addressed in this blog post by blogger Krizia, who explains how she learned to collect a massive amount of freebies from businesses and even signed an $8,000 contract to write four blog posts for a pharmaceutical company. That was before the economy collapse. Now companies are keeping close watch over their bottom lines, and PR professionals have changed their laissez-faire approach to blo…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

A mobile app for PR pros

PR Firm MWW Group launched a new, cross-platform mobile application that’s designed to deliver RSS content to those in the public relations, marketing, and advertising industries, according to ReadWriteWeb . Here’s how it works: Instead of choosing RSS feeds from blogs and news sites yourself, MWW Group has selected them for you. It’s a pre-loaded RSS feed—which includes in-house feeds from MWW—though you can still add and delete feeds. The app delivers the feeds to your mob…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Does anyone care about NYC’s newspaper war?

There’s been lots of dramatic talk in the media about the  war between Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and Arthur Sulzberger Jr.’s New York Times . The Associated Press  called it “the last great newspaper war.” Wired   described it as a “clash of the titans.” Thing is does anyone outside of the media world — the Manhattan media world — care about this newspaper war? Village Voice blogger Foster Kamer  posed the question to hi…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

You don’t see that pitch every day

Blogger and author B.L. Ochman has shared a rather interesting pitch she received the other day—about urinary incontinence commercials. “I don’t want to make light of this product, or the company’s efforts,” she wrote. “It’s the PR pitch that’s from hell.” Ochman showed how the company could have improved the pitch.