Search Results (corporate communication)

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Corporate communicator blogs about unemployment for The Wall Street Journal

In December 2008, David Mann was laid off from his position as director of corporate communications for 24 Hour Fitness, a health club chain. This morning, the 40-year-old California resident has a guest blog post on The Wall Street Journal Web site about being unemployed and how to maintain one’s dignity during the job search. “I’ll admit that my confidence and dignity took a hit because I felt like I was at the top of my game professionally when I was laid off,” Mann wrote. &#82…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Mingle: Microsoft’s new social media platform for internal communications

Allan Schoenberg, the director of corporate communications for CME Group , the world’s largest financial exchange, attended — and spoke at — a recent Ragan conference at Microsoft’s world headquarters. He summed up the conference with one word: Mingle (which is Microsoft’s new social media platform for internal communications). Conference attendees got to experience the new technology and Schoenberg has a write up on it. “Essentially, Mingle is an organization’s …