Why a content librarian will be 2016’s hot, new job

If your team is overwhelmed with tracking and managing all of your organization’s content, it might be time to hire someone to streamline the process.

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Ragan Insider Content

Content shock is officially upon us, folks. Mark Schaefer predicted this two years ago.

This means brands face a slew of strategic challenges, but I want to discuss an operational one: We’re going to see a hot, new job title in late 2016 and beyond—the content librarian.

This new job will solve our new problem: organizing, labeling and managing content.

RELATED: Eradicate PR, marketing and social silos with content marketing that boosts ROI.

See if any of this sounds familiar:

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, right?

Your content is everywhere, and no one is doing anything about it.

Why? Because the job doesn’t belong to anyone, and teams are spread so thin that they have little time to organize and manage content.

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