The indispensable gathering of communicators seeking proven PR strategies and tactics and meaningful connections.


Media relations and measurement remain the bedrock of successful communications. Join us May 14–15 at PR Daily’s Media Relations & Measurement Summit to hear how you can break through the noise with best practices and new, measurable ways to engage with stakeholders.

From metrics discussions to exercises on capturing reporters’ attention and responding to news that threatens to destroy your reputation, you’ll gain expert insights and integrate ideas that can power your next campaign and prove your value.

Learn from top experts who grab the lion’s share of headlines and media mentions, and collect tools, takeaways and strategies that can help you better target your audience and deliver communications efforts that ultimately support business goals.

What you’ll learn:

  • Tips for better understanding and reaching audiences, especially millennials and Gen Z
  • Strategies for building trust with reporters to get ahead of a quickly moving narrative
  • The business case for inclusion, sustainability and community involvement—whether you’re catering to an increasingly diverse market or struggling to maintain relevance
  • Ways to gather meaningful metrics and discard those that clutter evaluations
  • The worth of news media hits and popular social media conversations—and how to identify your biggest advocates and ambassadors of each
  • Tips for avoiding common pitching and media relations missteps
  • Ways to overhaul the press release format to focus on visuals, statistics and heroes of your stories
  • The metrics that matter most, and how to discard impressions-only analytics and AVE talk
  • How media monitoring can help you stand out against your competitors while also sidestepping crises
  • Taking advantage of podcasts, social media platforms, digital newsrooms and more to improve your storytelling
  • And much more!


Networking opportunities include:

  • Jumpstart your creative juices with a pitch competition
  • Connect with peers within your industry through lunchtime table topics
  • Interactive exercise that puts you in the center of a crisis scenario
  • Connect and engage online through a private LinkedIn group and the event app
  • Networking break and cocktail party to brainstorm and discuss what you’ve learned
  • And more

Can't attend in person? Sign up for our live webcast!

Top 4 benefits of attending the webcast:

  • Attend this immensely popular conference from the convenience of your desk: No travel concerns, hotels or extra costs associated with attending the event live.
  • Watch with your entire team.
  • Order the webcast, and get six months of on-demand access to this inspirational conference that will transform your organization.
  • The ability to ask questions: This isn’t a passive experience. You and your team have the opportunity to ask questions, which can be relayed to speakers presenting at the event.



Join us May 14-15 via live video for the Media Relations & Measurement Summit

Registration for the live webcast also includes the on-demand recording which will be available withing 7 business days after the event.

Webcast Pricing: $999


11-11:05 a.m. Eastern time
Opening Remarks from the Editor of PR Daily

Ted Kitterman, Editor of PR Daily, will welcome you as he shares reminders along with the day's agenda of packed takeaways and tips.

Editor-in-chief, PR Daily and PRLN
Ragan Communications
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11:05-11:40 a.m. Eastern time
The Future of The PR Pro: Media Relations and Measured Communications Through COVID-19

It’s a delicate balance for communicators to move forward with media relations objectives while also addressing concerns and ensuring audiences have up-to-date information that increases trust amid the pandemic. To do so successfully requires you to wear the multiple hats of storytellers, PR pros, corporate communicators, community managers, crisis experts and more as you adjust your messages to a changing crisis. However, the "new normal," along with today's integrated and fast-paced digital media landscape, provides more opportunities than ever before to spread your organization's messages and connect with people searching for answers. Learn how to forge path forward with Tamra Johnson, Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs for American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Shomari Stone, General Assignment Reporter for NBC News4 Washington, and Maureen Lynch Vogel, Director of Communications for the National Safety Council. 

You'll learn: 

  • What the future of news and media relations looks like, along with how PR pros can adapt
  • Ways to reconsider press releases, pitches, and storytelling efforts during and beyond COVID-19
  • Ways to integrate new content formats such as videos and visuals to more effectively relay messages
  • How to fight against fake news and dispel both myths and misinformation
  • How you can get ahead of quickly moving narratives and futureproof your organization's brand image
General Assignment Reporter
NBC News4 Washington
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Director of Communications
National Safety Council
Read bio
Tamra Johnson
Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs
American Property Casualty Insurance Association
Read bio
11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Eastern time
Beyond ROI: Assessing and Adjusting Your Communications Impact

Measurement is crucial to effective communications campaigns and crisis responses, as well as to achieving business goals proving the value of your efforts. There are few things more important to a communications professional than providing the proper context for relaying your efforts in your executive reports. In this session with Emily Kostic and Patty Goldman from Ad Council, you’ll learn how measurement takeaways and tools to help power your campaigns across industries and channels. You'll also gain inspiration to determine whether your campaigns are on course for success and that you’re tracking the metrics that make the most sense based on your KPIs.

You’ll learn:

  • How to choose which metrics to include, based on your responses and goals
  • Tips for keeping your reports actionable and story-driven, even during times of crisis and change
  • Ways you can focus on the metrics that matter, and what to discard
  • Ideas for tools and resources across budgets and team sizes
  • Ways to set effective goals and objectives
Vice President, Strategy & Evaluation
Ad Council
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Director, Marketing & Communications
Ad Council
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12:15-12:35 p.m. Eastern time
Virtual Networking Break

Connect and mingle with industry peers through our virtual platform before diving back into speakers' outstanding takeaways and insights.

12:35-1:10 p.m. Eastern time
Purpose-Driven Initiatives and Messages That Can Uplift and Inspire Communities and Stakeholders

More consumers than ever before expect the organizations they do business with to make a difference in the world and take stands on important social and political issues, especially as people worldwide grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic. As corporate social responsibility efforts and purpose-driven communications bolster crisis communications and build trust, you must learn to navigate risk with the opportunities available for your brand. In this session with Miri Rodriguez of Microsoft and Alex Health of Edelman, you’ll be able to ask questions and learn insights that can help you integrate purpose-driven initiatives in realistic, authentic and worthy ways befitting both your bottom line and your community.

You’ll learn:

  • How to make sure your messages welcome, not unintentionally offend
  • The business case for inclusion and community involvement—especially in light of the global pandemic
  • Ways to get colleagues involved and committed to achieving purpose-driven goals
  • Takeaways on how to balance your brand voice with authenticity in light of the current crisis and beyond
  • Why communicating values is no longer just a “nice thing to have”—and how to ensure your media training and other communications objectives align
Senior Storyteller, Author "Brand Storytelling"
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No Headshot
EVP and Group Head for Business + Social Purpose
Edelman New York
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1:20-1:50 p.m. Eastern time
Inside Reporters’ Minds: How COVID-19 Has Changed News Media Coverage

During these uncertain times and as people grapple for answers, reporters and editors are dedicating their focus on relaying correct and timely information and updates that can greatly affect their readers. Though you've shelved your product pitches, communicators can still provide valuable resources and insights that address the crisis and help audiences adjust. In this panel moderated by Greg Galant, founder and CEO of Muck Rack, ask questions and glean takeaways from Amir Bibawy, New York Bureau Chief and Senior Editor of Marketplace, and Alexandra Wilson, Associate Editor at Forbes, about how the pandemic has changed news media coverage, along with ways you become a trusted partner in publishing crucial messages.

You’ll learn:

  • The ways reporters want to be pitched (and when you should do it)
  • Tips what's newsworthy and what's not
  • Ways you can offer alternative angles as well as data and experts' insights
  • Best practices for building relationships and trust that extend beyond the crisis
Senior Editor and New York Bureau Chief
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Associate editor
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1:50-2:05 p.m. Eastern time
Virtual Networking Break

Connect and mingle with industry peers through our virtual platform before diving back into speakers' outstanding takeaways and insights.

2:05-2:45 p.m. Eastern time
Measuring the ‘New Normal’: Integrating PESO and the Barcelona Principles

Today’s communicator wears many hats. You have to balance crisis response, media coverage, storytelling campaigns, influencer partnerships, branding and more. As roles across the communications landscape become increasingly integrated, especially in light of COVID-19 adjustments, it’s more important than ever to adopt multifunctional communications strategies and measure what’s working—and what’s not.

Through the lens of the PESO model (Paid/Earned/Shared/Owned), Katie Delahaye Paine, Founder and CEO of Paine Publishing, will show you how to better set communications goals that align with business decisions.

Following her presentation, Johna Burke, Global Managing Director of the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communications (AMEC), will share foundational elements behind the Barcelona Principles and how you can develop strategies based on insights.

This information-packed session will wrap up with a short Q&A period with Paine, Burke and Barrie Rosen, Director of Communications for Consumer Reports.

You’ll learn:

  • How to set goals and related benchmarks across paid, earned, shared and owned media campaigns and crisis responses
  • Ways to gather meaningful metrics and discard those that clutter evaluations
  • Steps for getting started with effective measurement practices and strategies today
  • How to report the numbers within a meaningful context and inform crisis decisions, executive requests and more
Johna Burke
Global Managing Director
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Director of Communications
Consumer Reports
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Founder and CEO
Paine Publishing
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2:50-3:15 p.m. Eastern time
Data-Informed Storytelling that Connects and Unites While People #StayAtHome

Brand journalism and storytelling are more than just buzzwords. When used properly, it can drive communications efforts, increase engagement, strengthen your brand and more. As quarantines and self-isolation continues to keep people physically apart, storytelling and brand journalism can also help your audience not feel so alone. Michael Kaye, Global Communications Manager at OKCupid, will share how the dating platform is shifting its focus to help its members how the dating platform is shifting its focus to help its daters connect digitally and virtually, revealing changing consumer trends and increased engagement. Learn storytelling and data-gathering best practices, along with ways to cater to both reporters and customers, even as COVID-19 dominates headlines and social media conversation.

You’ll learn:

  • Ways data and insights can raise the storytelling bar—and provide insights on how consumers are responding to the crisis
  • Why personalization is crucial to landing your story—along with ways to address concerns and offer inspiration
  • Tools and tips to uncover stories, understand what the data is telling you and flex your storytelling skills
  • How to adjust your messages and content across channels to respond to COVID-19 and prepare for the “new normal”
Head of Brand Marketing and Communications, Archer and Global Director of Brand Marketing and Comms
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3:15-3:25 p.m. Eastern time
Top Takeaways from the Day—and a Preview of Tomorrow’s Agenda

Ted Kitterman, Editor of PR Daily, will review a few of the outstanding takeaways given and share announcements for tomorrow's insightful agenda.

Editor-in-chief, PR Daily and PRLN
Ragan Communications
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11-11:05 a.m. Eastern time
Opening Remarks from the Editor of PR Daily

Ted Kitterman, Editor of PR Daily, will welcome you as he shares reminders along with the day's agenda of packed takeaways and tips.

Editor-in-chief, PR Daily and PRLN
Ragan Communications
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11:05-11:30 a.m. Eastern time
The Future of the News & Social Media Landscape: Breaking Through the Noise to Reach Your Audience (Even in a Crisis)

Consumers have more access to information than ever before, and they can quickly become overwhelmed by noisy social media platforms and websites cluttered with editorials, breaking news, branded content, misinformation and more (especially during the current crisis). Especially as more millennial and Generation Z consumers cut the cord (and publication subscriptions), how can you effectively deliver your messages and ensure that your content is valuable and relevant?

In this opening session with Derek K. Hubbard, Spokesperson, External Communications Team for Southwest Airlines, you’ll learn how snackable content and creative storytelling can mix withtraditional news and more to successfully fold together current trends, emotion, and branded messages in a way that entices your audience to feel and engage.

Spokesperson, External Communications Team
Southwest Airlines
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11:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m. Eastern time
Responding to COVID-19 and Beyond: Crisis Communications in an Age of 24-7 News and Misinformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified potential PR missteps, and a misquote or delayed decision can quickly spiral into an additional crisis as you scramble to regain trust and prevent your reputation from crumbling. Communicators must be ready to adjust to the rapidly changing environment at a moment's notice, but that doesn’t mean there’s a one-size-fits-all response. In this fireside discussion with Richard S. Levick, Chairman and CEO of LEVICK, and Jeff Shelman, Head of Enterprise External Communications at U.S. Bank, you'll gain insights on how you can respond amid the pandemic and beyond.

You’ll learn:

  • How to respond to news and mandates before the narrative gets away from you
  • Ways to correct misinformation and defuse heated debates with authoritative strategies that foster transparency and trust
  • Tips for responding to (or staying silent after) negative media coverage and online outcries
  • How to conduct risk assessment as well as prepare and adjust your messages as the media landscape changes
Head of Enterprise External Communications
U.S. Bank
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Chairman and CEO
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12:05-12:20 p.m. Eastern time
Virtual Networking Break

Connect and mingle with industry peers through our virtual platform before diving back into speakers' outstanding takeaways and insights.

12:20-12:55 p.m. Eastern time
Pitching During COVID-19: How to Break Through the Noise of the ‘New Normal’

The pandemic has caused organizations across industries to scramble with both crisis responses and ways to grab attention and favor to bolster their reputations. As newsrooms shrink even more and journalists are struggling to keep their readers and viewers informed and safe, other news coverage has taken a backseat. Yet, you don’t need to put your media relations efforts on pause—rather, you can hone your skills and outreach to stand out from the crowd and provide insights and stories that keep your organization top of mind. In this session, learn insights on the art of the pitch during a crisis from Hugo Rojo, Senior Communications Manager at CBS NewsAmanda Ponzar, Chief Communications & Strategy Officer at Community Health Charities; and Sarah Evans, Founder and CEO of Sevans Strategy and Sevans Digital PR.

You’ll learn:

  • How to alter pitches and offer additional resources to journalists covering COVID-19 news and beyond
  • Tips for uncovering stories and finding angles to land coverage, no matter the current climate or situation
  • Ways to integrate paid and owned media opportunities with earned media coverage goals
  • Ways to grab a seat at the table and become involved with strategies that can enhance media relations efforts
Senior Communications Manager
CBS News
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Chief Communications & Strategy Officer
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities
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Founder and CEO
Sevans Strategy and Sevans Digital PR
Read bio
1-1:25 p.m. Eastern time
Determining Media Coverage Value as You Respond to COVID-19

As COVID-19 dominates news coverage and affects other coverage sources such as influencers, finding ways to effectively pitch and publish your stories is no small task. Media relations efforts can take a substantial amount of time and resources, especially as you respond to the pandemic and serve as a resource for information and guidance. Are you spending your time with strategies that make the most sense and impact? Josh Wilson, Director Of Strategic Communications at Children's National Hospital, will walk you through a media relations score sheet that can rank the value of secured media coverage—and help align media relations activities to overall communications goals.

You’ll learn: 

  • How to qualitatively measure the value of earned media
  • How a feature story differs from a list of smaller mentions
  • Ways to thoughtfully adjust individual and team goals as you focus on providing important information
  • Ideas for balancing your PR goals and key messages with reporters' aims


Director of Strategic Communications
Children's National Hospital
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1:25-1:40 p.m. Eastern time
Virtual Networking Break

Connect and mingle with industry peers through our virtual platform before diving back into speakers' outstanding takeaways and insights.

1:40-2:10 p.m. Eastern time
Reaching the New Consumer Audience: Effectively Relay Brand News, Content and Information that Matters

Consumers are much more aware of their relationships with the organizations they patronize—and many aren’t shy about telling you what they’re looking for, what they want from your brand and where you fall short. This introspection has only increased as people struggle to find answers, information, entertainment and inspiration while they stay at home. In this session with Jorge Peschiera, Independent Creative Director and Designer; Adam Ilenich, Community Manager at Twitter; and Jeff Rubenstein, Xbox Senior Communications Manager for Microsoft, you’ll hear insights on how the media relations and digital media landscapes are shifting—and get a chance to ask questions to learn ways you can adjust to be more transparent, helpful and engaging.

You’ll learn: 

  • How audiences (including Gen Z) are consuming content, news and information—along how to adjust your strategies
  • Ways you can increase transparency and trust through conversations and content during COVID-19
  • Tips for gathering and interpreting audience analytics, social listening and more to understand and cater to younger audiences
  • How branded content, information and news has changed shape across formats and channels to fit audience consumption behaviors
  • Ways to measure your efforts to assess if your strategies are effective
Xbox Senior Communications Manager
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Head of Social Marketing
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Jorge Peschiera
Independent Creative Director and Designer
Formerly Netflix's "Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj"
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2:15-2:45 p.m. Eastern time
Handling Media Requests Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

You might have a well-designed, practiced and comprehensive crisis communications strategy, but COVID-19 has turned both crisis responses and media relations efforts on their heads. As audiences of all types look to organizations for information, answers and assurance, it's more important than ever not to stay silent. Nick Lanyi, Affiliate Consultant at Ragan Consulting Group, will share how you can keep up with increased media inquires and relay your organization's key messages quickly and effectively to bolster your reputation and build trust as the crisis continues.

You’ll learn:

  • Responses that build trust with and help you get ahead of a quickly moving narrative
  • Ideas to create and distribute messages on the right channels targeted to the right audiences without unnecessary approval processes and delays
  • How to ensure that media relations remain strategic, rather than a "whack-a-mole" approach
  • Ways to prepare your crisis and media relations strategies for recovery and rebuilding
Media Relations and Crisis Communications Expert
Ragan Consulting Group
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2:50-3:20 p.m. Eastern time
Going Beyond Pitches and Press Releases to Relay Your Messages During COVID-19 and Beyond

Press releases and media pitching remain an integral part of PR during crises, helping you to relay important information and strengthening relationships with your audiences. However, in a time when newsrooms are shrinking, the pandemic dominates headlines and misinformation can quickly cause panic, PR pros must expand their toolkits. In this session with Spencer Sutherland and Elizabeth Cornwall at CHG Healthcare, you’ll learn how to leverage owned assets and borrow inspiration from leading organizations to appropriately garner conversation and coverage.

You’ll learn:

  • Ways to deliver pitches that quickly cut to crucial information and the heart of your story
  • Tips for uncovering compelling, newsworthy stories within your organization
  • How to use PR to complement your owned media efforts (and vice versa)
  • Steps for empowering your employees and customers to tell their stories and experiences
Director of Communications
CHG Healthcare
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PR and Social Media Manager
CHG Healthcare
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3:20-3:30 p.m. Eastern time
Top Takeaways of the Day and Closing Remarks

Ted Kitterman, Editor of PR Daily, will close the event with an overview of lessons learned and parting remarks.

Editor-in-chief, PR Daily and PRLN
Ragan Communications
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Tamra Johnson
Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs
American Property Casualty Insurance Association
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Director of Communications
CHG Healthcare
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Director of Strategic Communications
Children's National Hospital
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Vice President, Strategy & Evaluation
Ad Council
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Senior Editor and New York Bureau Chief
Read bio
Johna Burke
Global Managing Director
Read bio
PR and Social Media Manager
CHG Healthcare
Read bio
Chairman and CEO
Read bio
Founder and CEO
Sevans Strategy and Sevans Digital PR
Read bio
No Headshot
EVP and Group Head for Business + Social Purpose
Edelman New York
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Spokesperson, External Communications Team
Southwest Airlines
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Head of Social Marketing
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Head of Brand Marketing and Communications, Archer and Global Director of Brand Marketing and Comms
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Editor-in-chief, PR Daily and PRLN
Ragan Communications
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Director, Marketing & Communications
Ad Council
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Media Relations and Crisis Communications Expert
Ragan Consulting Group
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Founder and CEO
Paine Publishing
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Jorge Peschiera
Independent Creative Director and Designer
Formerly Netflix's "Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj"
Read bio
Chief Communications & Strategy Officer
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities
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Senior Storyteller, Author "Brand Storytelling"
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Senior Communications Manager
CBS News
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Director of Communications
Consumer Reports
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Xbox Senior Communications Manager
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Head of Enterprise External Communications
U.S. Bank
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General Assignment Reporter
NBC News4 Washington
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Director of Communications
National Safety Council
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Associate editor
Read bio


If you work in:

  • Media relations
  • Digital communications
  • Public relations
  • Corporate communications
  • Branding
  • Social media
  • Public affairs
  • Global communications
  • Data and research
  • Agency communications
  • Publicity
  • Corporate affairs
  • Crisis communications
  • Public information
  • Strategic communications


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Customer Service & Sales Manager

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Hannah Lavelle
Sales & Client Relations Manager

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Beki Winchel
Manager of Strategic Programming