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Ragan Insider   |  {/%BYLINE%} {%AUTHOR%}Alan Pearcy{/%AUTHOR%} {%TITLE%}The best news gaffes of 2012{/%TITLE%} {%ALTERNATIVEURL%}{/%ALTERNATIVEURL%} {%IMAGE%}/Uploads/Public/spider-news-bloopers-2012.jpg{/%IMAGE%} {%ROLE%}87d65c27-6e78-4e5c-b423-78d47d4f2768{/%ROLE%} {%KICKER%}Media Relations{/%KICKER%} {%CATEGORIESID%}9b04de1d-f7bc-4de7-842e-c9c833ff24e9, 055d8a23-ee23-4f9c-a2f4-df030843f312, 5b5f5480-7a63-458a-90a4-0b98007ec3f7, 1fd4d0a9-bbe2-4b5c-af5c-11dce5b9983e, e8e0f32d-5d24-41be-86cc-a8fd29cc4619{/%CATEGORIESID%} {%CAPTION%}At least so far. Plus, Reebok condones cheating, woman walks off a pier while texting, ‘Blossom’ gets an Old Navy reboot, the official nail polish of Barack Obama, a pregnant Jessica Simpson too risqué for Safeway,, more.{/%CAPTION%} {%BODYCOPY%}As investor relations departments prepare the first quarter reports due out next month, those in media relations can enjoy a different kind of Q1 report—a news blooper reel of the best 2012 on-air gaffes so far. Reebok committed a gaffe of its own before pulling an overseas campaign that made its way onto the Internet. The company’s ads ran under the tagline, “Cheat on your girlfriend, not your workout.” Need we say anything more? Another incident that we’ll offer without comment: A woman walked off a pier while sending a text. Maybe she was tweeting a pic from Instagram, the hot photo app that marketers should pay attention to—particularly these three nuggets on how to use the app to promote big brands. Meanwhile, Old Navy is relying more on the nostalgic powers of ’90s television, with its newest commercial featuring former “Blossom” stars Mayim Bialik, Joey Lawrence. Whoa—where’s Six? [Related: Read Watch “9 unforgettable TV commercials from the ’90s.”] These days, it’s ABC Family’s “Pretty Little Liars” that has audiences more than tuning in. The show’s season 2 finale smashed social media records as the most-buzzed about show in TV history. Fans tweeted 645,000 times during the broadcast, hitting a rate of 32,000 tweets per minute. Over the course of the day, 667,000 users mentioned the show in a whopping 1.6 million tweets. Despite the intense buzz, Advertising Age predicts the box office figures for the opening weekend of “The Hunger Games” won’t match the hype. Maybe you don’t have time to catch a movie, but if you have a couple of minutes, watch President Obama put a couple hecklers in their place while speaking at Ohio State on Thursday: Speaking of Obama, you can breath a sigh of relief. Our Commander-in-Chief’s official nail polish is in. An interesting ploy for young voters on the President’s part? Perhaps, but our nation’s leader isn’t the only one vying for a fresher generation. GM is turning to MTV for help. A school district in North Carolina is trying to help itself by acknowledging that a letter sent home with elementary students suggesting children not wear “African American attire” to celebrate Black History Month was probably not the best way to phrase it. A nude, pregnant Jessica Simpson on the cover of the latest Elle magazine was a bit too suggestive for an Arizona Safeway grocery store, where a piece of cardboard was placed in front of the publication reading, “PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDBOARD.” Why would anyone want too? That said, please do have a great weekend.{/%BODYCOPY%} {%ID%}11188{/%ID%} {%DATAID%}3ff4b9bf-1efc-49b0-9849-eed1aab1b587{/%DATAID%} {%CanonicalUrl%}{/%CanonicalUrl%} {%PUBLISHDATE%}3/23/2012 1:59:41 PM{/%PUBLISHDATE%} {%LINK%}{/%LINK%} {%BYLINE%}

The best news gaffes of 2012

At least so far. Plus, Reebok condones cheating, woman walks off a pier while texting, ‘Blossom’ gets an Old Navy reboot, the official nail polish of Barack Obama, a pregnant Jessica Simpson too risqué for Safeway, and more.

Ragan Insider   |  PR Daily Staff

Are you in the Ragan network?

It’s like having the Verizon team behind you, only better. Plus, a 100 percent guarantee—no dropped calls. Given, we’re not a phone provider, but still…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

4 tips for revamping your online newsroom

Know where most journalists go when they visit your website? The online newsroom. Too bad lots of them are lousy. “I am amazed at how many companies merely post press releases with no multi-media content attached,” Priya Ramesh, head the social media practice at CRT/tanaka, wrote. “Seriously, wake up!” She explained four ways to enrich that newsroom .

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Ragan’s iPhone app — get it today!

Want to receive news, advice, and opinions on PR, marketing, social media, and internal communications while on the run? Head over to the Apple Store and download the Ragan Communications iPhone app . (Ragan publishes PR Daily .) Coming soon: Ragan apps for the Droid, BlackBerry, and iPad. Ragan is also developing SmartPhone apps for PR Daily and Ragan’s HealthCare, Marketing and Communications News .

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Newspaper circulation falls 10 percent

The average weekday circulation of nearly 400 dailies fell 10.6 percent between April and September, compared to a 7.1 percent slump during the previous six months, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Many readers are turning to the Web, because—unlike in print—the product is, well, free . Related PR Junkie Here’s the good news: In the third quarter, newspaper Web sites saw the most traffic ever. Related Gawker  The job market is so bad for journalists that MediaBist…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

PRWeek will offer its morning news roundup to subscribers only

Do you receive PRWeek ’s Breakfast Briefing? It’s a daily e-mail that aggregates several PR-related news stories from across the Web, while highlighting some of the magazine’s own stories. (Nearly all the PRWeek stories are locked down to non-subscribers.) Starting May 3, only PRWeek subscribers will receive the daily e-zine. “PRWeek’s subscribers are the industry’s leaders, and as such deserve to receive our most valuable content exclusively,” PRWeek publisher Julia Hood sa…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

How to write the 2.0 news release

You can learn how — and so much more — at this year’s Corporate Communications Conference, hosted by General Motors and Ragan Communications, publisher of PR Daily . One track of this three track conference is all about PR and social media, and in that track you can attend this session on writing press releases for online distribution.