Search Results (ragan webinar event)

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Get your social media press release in front of journalists

Writing an awesome press release, complete with links and video, is only half the battle. The other half is making sure reporters and editors read the thing. At the next PR Daily webinar, social media consultant Shel Holtz will explain how to effectively distribute your social media press releases. Learn  more about this event.

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Produce Flip videos for your internal audience

Kaiser Permanente hospitals arm their employees with Flip cameras to capture important employee news to post on the company’s intranet. Ragan Communications (publisher of PR Daily ) is holding a 60-minute webinar with Larry Kless and Elizabeth Schainbaum of Kaiser Permanente Northern California to teach you practical tips on how to use your Flip — and find out what kind of stories are best told with this camera. Learn  more about this event.

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Improve your department’s writing skills — in one hour

Rob Reinalda, the executive editor at Ragan Communications, is hosting a webinar called, “De-clutter your writing,” in which he will explain how to tighten up any article, e-mail, or press release, and then make it jump off the page with vibrant language. The webinar takes place next Friday (April 16). Learn more about the event (and follow Reinalda on Twitter ).

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

You know the best corporate blogs? Your blog could be better

This isn’t your father’s writing class— oh yikes ? Anyone else cringe at that saying? Let’s start over. On August 18, I’m giving a Webinar for Ragan Communications on how to write for a Web 2.0 audience. (I’m the editor of PR Daily, by the way.) Here’s one of the things you’ll learn: What the 10 best corporate blogs have in common and how to make your blog like theirs. The tips you’ll pick up will be applicable that day . Also, after some arm twisting, the market…