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Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Ford taps Facebook to promote its 2011 Explorer

The automaker was slapped on the back for its social media efforts promoting its Fiesta model, now the company is looking to social media again — albeit it in a smaller way than the Fiesta promotions. “Through a Facebook page, Ford has been sending teaser images of the redesigned model, and also featuring a countdown to when drivers can see the whole thing,” reports . “Ford also plans to give away a free Explorer — but only if the page gets 30,000 ‘likes.&#82…

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Can you work at a PR firm and be a journalist?

A weekend column by Slate ’s Glenn Greenwald, which was picked up and summarized by liberal blog Talking Points Memo , blasts MSNBC for allowing former Newsweek reporter Richard Wolffe to guest host the news-commentary show “Countdown.” Wolffe left Newsweek earlier this year to work at Public Strategies, a corporate communications consultancy, a fact that isn’t disclosed when he appears on MSNBC—until now. (On air, Wolffe is referred to as a “political analyst.”) On Monday, MSNBC …

Ragan Insider   |  Ragan Staff

Report: Internet to run out of addresses in less than one year

Is this a big deal, like when they add another area code to New York City? Or is this a big deal, like when they talk about the world running out of oil? Not sure. But here’s the reason the Internet will run out of addresses soon, according to ReadWriteWeb : “There’s an explosion of data about to happen to the Web … Other reasons include the increase in mobile devices connecting to the Internet and the annual growth in user-generated content on the Web.” You can track this countdo…