Michigan governor backs ‘accountability’ as 3 are charged in Flint water crisis

Gov. Rick Snyder said Wednesday that ‘bureaucrats must be responsible for any wrongdoing.’ The statement didn’t blunt calls for his resignation—and possible arrest.

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Gov. Rick Snyder’s highly anticipated comments following news that charges were filed against three Flint employees appeared to distance himself from what he called “bureaucrats making bad decisions [who] failed the people of Flint.”

This is deeply troubling. I have said all along that bureaucrats making bad decisions failed the people of Flint. The charges filed today raise what happened to a whole new level and we take that very seriously. I have fully supported the efforts of these investigations. I have demanded more answers about what happened because the people of Flint and all of Michigan deserve to know the truth. We will vigorously pursue any evidence of wrongdoing and we will hold people accountable.

According to CNN, when asked by reporters if he had done anything criminal, Snyder said:

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