How to get headlines about your funding news

You might be excited about your fresh influx of cash but getting outside eyes to care is more complicated than just spitting out a press release. Consider these insights before pitching.

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Your funding success can feel like a big story.

Company leaders raising capital pour hours (and their heart and soul) into pitch meetings, prep work and negotiations to secure their term sheet. When everything is signed and the funds come through, it’s time to celebrate and share the news.

The ball bounces into your PR team’s court as they hustle to piece together a strong press release, set up a media exclusive and disseminate the news to key industry reporters.

Not too long ago your funding news would be enough to lock you in an interview with Fortune or The Wall Street Journal. Now, however, you’re competing amongst hundreds of other companies that are announcing funding, and you can bet there will be ones with a higher

round. So how can you earn visibility in a saturated news cycle?

Tell a story

Funding news is always relevant to reporters who cover deals, but the way you frame your pitch can determine if you’re included as one sentence in a roundup or land you a feature interview. The key part of this is to tell a narrative beyond just the money.

What else can you use to hook a writer for a bigger story? One solution is to couple other news with your funding announcement.

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