Target announces loyalty program, ‘soft skills’ are most crucial, and Spirit Airlines offers bigger seats
Also: Wendy’s is serving up breakfast and jobs, British Airways strike brings PR woes, and FDA letter fuels Juul’s PR crisis.
Also: Wendy’s is serving up breakfast and jobs, British Airways strike brings PR woes, and FDA letter fuels Juul’s PR crisis.
Video content is all the rage online, but video production can be expensive and time-consuming. Here are some tips to help you produce your own videos cheaply.
The internet is chock-full of visual content, and it’s all free for the taking, right? You bet your logo it’s not. Here are common transgression areas and how you can avoid getting sued.
Also: Sears faces its final chapter, Ben & Jerry’s unveils its anti-racism ice cream, Cathay Pacific’s chairman resigns, and more.
Also: Hurricane Dorian looms off the East Coast, Popeyes becomes dangerously popular, and the U.K. pound drops over uncertain messaging.
Guerrilla marketing sometimes lives up to its name, as when LED devices are mistaken for bombs in a major city—and all hell breaks loose. Priorities and agility become crucial factors.
Enter PR Daily’s Video & Visual Awards to showcase your powerful visual stories. Deadline for submissions is Nov. 1.
Younger consumers won’t respond well to traditional advertising, so your social media strategy must get creative. Here are some tips for changing things up.
Also: Yelp offers personalized results, Ogilvy and Medela’s award-winning influencer campaign, a ‘crappy’ social media post, and a gender gap on Facebook.
Reaching out through your preferred platforms comes with plenty of risks. Here are some missteps that can derail your efforts to convince and engage online audiences.
An influencer campaign built an online support group for mothers seeking to breastfeed beyond the common three-week threshold. The award-winning team recounts its success.
Also: Facebook floats a messaging app to enhance Instagram, a peek inside Starbucks’ branding and design, and how opinions are changing among consumer demographics.
Also: How social media teams can help their PR counterparts, YouTube and Apple Music offer curated playlists, and AT&T scrambles as 20,000 employees strike.
It’s the quality, not the quantity that counts when it comes to engaged audiences on Instagram and Twitter, says a new study.
Also: Overstock chief resigns over Butina tryst, bartering campaign work for beer, and how your own politics dictate your stand on your leaders’ political assertiveness.