GM’s Hummer goes electric, Instagram beefs up video tools, and One Million Moms raise hell with Burger King
Also: Google personalizes travel recommendations, benefits of coworking spaces, Frito-Lay gives a moniker to “Cheeto dust,” and more.
Also: Google personalizes travel recommendations, benefits of coworking spaces, Frito-Lay gives a moniker to “Cheeto dust,” and more.
Also: Remembering Harold Burson, welcomes 2020 in style, H-E-B crowned as consumers’ top grocer, and more.
Also: YouTube influencer shares tips to quell health care ‘misinformation,’ CollegeHumor lays off almost all its staff, and more.
May these words of wisdom encourage you as your team works to inspire and motivate those who do the heavy lifting.
Also: Why ‘thought leadership’ is a powerful strategy and not just jargon, comedian’s Facebook donation rakes in money to fight Australia wildfires, and more.
Also: California’s Consumer Privacy Act starts, workplace distractions take a toll on employees, Muscle Milk aims to reward year-round fitness fans, and more.
Looking for inspiration to inform your messaging and tactics? Here are some books that everyone in a leadership role should peruse.
Regardless of scale, at every organization it’s crucial that every endeavor have merit. Finding viable metrics can be tricky, though. Try this approach to getting in sync with execs and proving your worth.
Also: The top YouTube channel for 2019, how leaders can make the most of video, how much PR pros traveled in 2019, and more.
How should your executive team use online platforms? This download offers insight into how some of the world’s biggest names use their channels to tell stories.
Also: Why B2B companies must invest in CSR, how much customers will pay for shipping, tips for getting your CV past the robots, the top content channel for 2020, and more.
Also: How Americans view the economy, Harvey Weinstein’s image rehab, key elements of modern PR, Instagram’s group stories, and more.
This PR pro says being able to prove return on investment is more crucial than ever. Here is how he sees the future of the industry.
Follow this guidance from savvy industry pros to be more of an empathetic helper than a heartless henchman.
Also: Fashion designer sparks outrage over ‘concentration camp’ outfit, LOL Surprise toys will reduce plastic, consumer mistrust over data climbs, and more.