7 tips to make your email super effective
Organize your text, limit each message to a single topic, avoid jargon and redundancies and, for Pete’s sake, double-check names and spellings. Oh, and when you can, make a phone call.
Organize your text, limit each message to a single topic, avoid jargon and redundancies and, for Pete’s sake, double-check names and spellings. Oh, and when you can, make a phone call.
Don’t wait until Friday, and don’t count on a one-and-done approach. Follow up big announcements with complementary, concise messaging to hammer home the crux of it.
Though the average consumer’s inbox is more crowded than ever, a good email campaign can offer plenty of power for some communicators. Consider this graphic.
Here are some tips to make sure you are getting the biggest possible return on your email efforts, and what you should consider if engagement is starting to flag.
Email is still one of the most effective tools communicators have, but new laws and bad habits mean marketers and communicators must always work to widen their audience. Here’s how.
How will you make your email campaigns stand out in overcrowded inboxes? Here are some design tips to help your efforts cut through the noise.
Are you making new connections with your efforts or just burning through contacts and ruining your sender reputation? Here are crucial steps to take when emailing this year.
Read on for an alphabet’s worth of tips to craft zippy, snappy, satisfying story-toppers.
Given the flood of messages people receive in the course of a day, yours requires key elements to stand out in their brimming inboxes. Try these approaches.
The emoticons can add visual flair to your words, but inappropriate deployment will turn readers off—or even damage your reputation. Here’s how to use them correctly.
Don’t waste your time on fluffy stats that don’t drive business results. Instead, track email subscriptions, dwell time and lead generation.
Relevance and personalization are crucial to your email’s efficacy, but without a striking subject line—and maybe some social media schmoozing—it’s bound for the trash bin.
Both campaigns can be more effective if they work together. Here are five ways you should consider coordinating the two.
Though messaging apps are deemed more fun and casual, men and women alike list email as their first option, regardless of their age group.
A multi-generational survey by Adobe offers insights into where and when people wade into their inboxes—and what particular peeves make them likely to trash your marketing message.