10 ways PR pros can take advantage of summer

Spend the remaining weeks of the season gearing up for the busier fall season by catching up on tasks and preparing future copy and campaigns.

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If there’s one thing all PR pros know, it’s the futility of “planning your day.”

All it takes is one phone call or email to shatter your lovingly prepared to-do lists into a million pieces.

The good news (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) is that summer is a perfect time to tackle things you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t had the time to do them.

Summer does not necessarily mean things slow down. Vacationing team members can increase workloads for those still stuck in the office, and for some industries, the season is what Christmas is for retailers.

However, for many PR pros, things gear down in July and August—which usually means September will come with a rude awakening.

That’s exactly why you should use the next several weeks to conduct a PR tuneup, so you’re ready for the upcoming busy season. Here’s how:

1. Schedule face-to-face meetings.

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