How to add podcast power to your communication arsenal

Audio content is scorching hot right now, but creating something great takes no small amount of prep and perseverance. Follow these tips to launch, produce and market your program.

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What does it take to achieve podcast glory?

As with all other communication formats, the glory’s in the story, but getting an effective work-related podcast off the ground requires more than scintillating content. To start, you’ll need equipment. You’ll also need a plan. These questions are crucial:

Creating a new podcast is no small commitment. For some, the best podcast strategy might be to appear on more-established programs.

Tom Schwab, CEO of Interview Valet, touts the notion of pursuing guest podcast appearances. He advises:

Starting a podcast for work—either external or internal—can be a powerful way to communicate, but it’s a commitment. Anyone who says doing a podcast is easy has either never done one or never done it well.

Often you can get much better return on investment being a guest on other established shows.

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