9 ways to ‘jazz up’ your content
No need to grab your Capezios. Just define your objectives, identify your audience, alight squarely on your purpose, and let the magic begin. Then, weed out the crap.
So, when someone hands me draft copy and says, “We need to jazz this up,” I often have a PTSD-like reaction: No sequins! No step-ball-change! No jazz hands!
Of course, when someone asks you to jazz up PR or marketing content, they aren’t talking about choreography. Often, they don’t know exactly what they’re talking about. They just know that the words they’re looking at aren’t giving them that wow feeling.
So, what can you do with a nonspecific request like “jazz it up,” other than reach for your dance shoes? Here are some options:
1. Consider the strategic goal. Jazziness is not a strategic business goal. Is the goal of this piece of content and the overall content strategy to attract investors? To expand the customer base? Something else? Make sure you know what the “something else” is before you focus on the jazz.
2. Understand your audience. Whom are you courting? Do you understand what wows them? Some people think jazz is Kenny G. Other people (cooler people) think jazz is John Coltrane. If you don’t know your audience, you don’t know what kind of sound will get them dancing.
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