What kind of word nerd are you?
Take this fun quiz to determine whether you’re only somewhat grammar obsessed or if you’re completely off the deep end.
1. Do you subscribe to one or more style guides (or have one or more style guides on your desk)? 2. Do you catch typos all around you, even when you’re not looking for them? 3. Do you find yourself correcting the grammar in the books you read to your kids? (“Junie B. Jones” is the worst.) 4. Can you quote from “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”? 5. Have you had more than one heated argument about the use of the serial comma? 6. Does seeing 1990’s or 30’s drive you to drink? 7. Do you feel an immediate sense of camaraderie with anyone who uses “comprise” correctly? 8. Can you spell “minuscule,” “inadvertent,” “supersede,” and “ophthalmologist” correctly? (Could you have done so before we just showed them to you?) 9. Is the hyphen your least favorite punctuation mark? 10. Do you use the word “decimate” correctly? 11. Do you giggle when you end a sentence with a preposition and know why it’s acceptable to do so? 12. Do people refuse to play Words with Friends or Scrabble with you?
Step 2. Count the questions you answered “yes.”
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