7 ways to maximize workplace feedback

Candid conversations can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. Or, if handled without care, a destructive force among your team. Here’s how to fuel and foster more constructive dialogue.


We all struggle with delivering (and receiving) feedback.

While it seems we’re wired to fear things that challenge our sense of self, it’s too early to throw in the towel on the use of feedback. With the right approach, in an environment where everyone’s focus is on improving performance, feedback can be a powerful tool that builds trust, bolsters camaraderie and unlocks greater productivity. 

Here are seven ways to maximize workplace feedback:

1. Teach your team the real purpose of feedback.

Feedback discussions are business discussions where the individuals involved strive to identify behaviors that contribute to or detract from high performance. The focus must be on connecting behaviors to performance outcomes, and then discussing how this behavior can be strengthened in the future. That’s it. 

2. Work to create a healthy feedback environment with your team.

Regardless of your role, strive to create a workplace where quality, performance and business-focused feedback are part of the culture’s DNA. Single out the need and responsibility for feedback as a core value on your team, and strive to model the behaviors essential for bringing the words to life. I encourage managers, leaders and communicators to bake the need for feedback into team values. 

3. Teach your team to give you meaningful feedback.

Just saying that feedback is important isn’t enough. You must model the behavior and set the standard for encouraging feedback on your own performance. Your response to feedback sets the tone for everyone in your group. 

To prime the feedback pump, ask these questions constantly:

  • What’s working?
  • What’s not working?
  • What do you need me to do to help you succeed?

Of course, you reinforce the value of feedback when individuals gin up the courage to give it to you, and you choose your response. Getting defensive or arguing will guarantee the feedback spigot is turned off permanently.  

4. Ask questions about feedback you don’t understand.

Be sure to mine for performance-improving gold in these feedback sessions.

Accept that individuals may be fearful of giving you candid feedback, so work hard to put them at ease. Cultivate the attitude that there must be good news somewhere, and ask thoughtful—not defensive—questions in search of clarification.

Put the feedback giver at ease, and listen intently. Then thank the giver for sharing honest information with you.

5. Design feedback discussions for success.

Approach feedback discussions as a design exercise. Make sure the key ingredients of behavior and business impact are present. Know your direction for the discussion. Plan your opening sentence with care. And, remind yourself that your goal is to promote and facilitate dialogue. With proper design, even seemingly tough feedback discussions are less threatening for all parties. 

6. Conduct feedback discussions with care and empathy.

Our instinct with challenging discussions is to race through them and escape. As a result, we come off as critical, glib or unfeeling. That’s the wrong approach.

Instead, slow down, and take into account the person’s reality on the other side of the feedback discussion.  Don’t let the discomfort of the moment make anyone feel rushed. Clarity, respect and empathy are vital components of authentic, effective and constructive feedback delivery. That takes time. 

7. Let go of the past, and shift the focus to the future.

Remember, the focus of feedback is on strengthening performance in the future. I checked, and no one has a time machine to return to the past. Guide the discussion to focus on what the right approach will be in future settings. 

Art Petty is a leadership coach and author. Read more on his blog.



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