6 ways to demystify your messaging for patients

Health care marketers and other communicators must offer easily digestible language to deliver much-needed services to consumers.

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Clear communication is crucial in health care.

Still, many marketers often use complex words that only doctors and nurses—who have special education and training—would understand. Doing so impedes communication with patients and consumers at large.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, only 12 percent of U.S. adults have proficient health literacy. Health care terms can be daunting for anyone, regardless of their reading level.

Here are six tips and tricks to help you simplify and clarify your health care communications:

1. Everyday Words for Public Health Communication. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a great document that provides common language to replace health jargon, ranging from “abstinence” to “virus.” It’s not just health-specific terms that increase reading difficulty. Words like “utilize” and “feasible” also are included.

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