6 alternatives to sending a press release
Instead of blasting a release to the media, trying winning coverage with one of these techniques.
Sure, it’s nice to pull a minty fresh list out of that database. That’s the easy part. Now it’s your skill and creativity that will get your news in front of those reporters.
Yes, I said creativity.
Arguably, the worst part of being a PR Professional is facing that list, breaking it down, and digging in to pitch those reporters. But the most important thing is not writing the press release and blasting it out. First, you have to back up and say:
“What is my message, and who would appreciate hearing it?”
If you have to, go ahead and write the press release. It might help you organize your thoughts and develop your key message. But don’t send it!
Challenge yourself never to send another standard press release again. (Unless, of course, someone specifically asks for one. Or your client forces you to write one.)
Instead, here are alternatives that you should be using instead of a press release.
1. Pitch email. More than 90 percent of reporters claim they want to receive pitches via email. Given that you’re already emailing, just put your pitch in the form of a story, with bullet points emphasizing the most important details you want the reporter to know. Here is the key to a successful pitch email:
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