5 cringeworthy content marketing tactics
Is your blog full of sales pitches? Is it fine-tuned to the concerns and questions of your audience? How are you measuring your success? Consider these content essentials.
It’s totally human to make a spelling or grammatical error here or there.
No one is perfect, but the following five practices could be digging a grave for your content strategy. Some of these things could easily happen by accident. If you’re utilizing any of these practices on purpose, though, allow me to be a good friend and help you make lemonade out of lemons:
1. You are overly promotional.
The point of content marketing is to earn the trust of your readers.
People are bombarded with ads all day long. The last thing they want is to have another sales pitch thrown in their face while they’re trying to read a blog post and learn something.
Don’t get me wrong; I love a good shameless plug. However, there’s a way to show off your brand without being overly promotional and irritating your audience.
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