Study: Effective influencer marketing requires authenticity
As consumers spend more and more time immersed in new and traditional media channels, marketers must find ways to pierce the clutter and build rapport. Here are some insights.
As consumers spend more and more time immersed in new and traditional media channels, marketers must find ways to pierce the clutter and build rapport. Here are some insights.
Also: Ford creates buzz with electric truck stunt, how video is essential for converting customers, you might not be using all your PTO, and more.
Plus, SEO failures and how PR pros can do better, Miss Michigan’s forced abdication, and Ernest Hemingway’s 120th birthday.
Recent surveys suggest that paid, shared and owned media are rising in importance and impact, leaving earned media behind.
As digital radio programs have grown in popularity, so have the opportunities for marketers and PR pros to reach new audiences.
Also: A clever marketing insight from a Utah youth, how IPR creates buzz through video, and Berkeley nixes genders-specific terms.
Whether you are broadcasting on Twitter or YouTube, connecting with live audiences can be a powerful way to convey authenticity and spark loyalty. Consider these tips.
A desire for a short video series was informed by the success of Jerry Seinfeld’s car-themed interview show. The videos quickly netted increased viewership and community feedback.
Many big brands have been playing with their monikers in hopes of better describing their mission and vision for the future. Is it time for your organization to follow suit?
Also: The case for refreshing the Barcelona Principles, Oscar Mayer offers a stay in its Wienermobile, and Instagram hides ‘likes.’
Are your tones and designs contemporary, or are you putting off potential customers? Read on to see if it’s time to punch up your palette.
Also: Burger King plays ‘meat or no-meat,’ Huggies courts dutiful dads, and T-Mobile serves Taco Bell
Before your big event, do some sleuthing to identify attendees’ pain points and preferences. Use whatever nuggets you mine to shape your message and delivery.
What hues, shades and tones are the best fit for your brand goals and your organization’s objectives? Consider these insights to help you decide on an ideal palette.
Victuals, comestibles, noshes—all manner of foodstuffs—resonate deeply with consumers, even if your product or service isn’t edible. Try these tactics to sweeten your next campaign.