6 key occasions when your CEO should be the key spokesperson
From crisis communications to unveiling that brilliant new product, your head honcho should recognize these high-profile moments to step up and be the face and voice of your organization.
From crisis communications to unveiling that brilliant new product, your head honcho should recognize these high-profile moments to step up and be the face and voice of your organization.
Delivering a message in Spanish is not enough. Consider the idioms in more than 20 nations, not to mention nonverbal cues, such as gestures and colors. Here’s insight into the crucial nuances.
Also: Film and song mashups to inspire creativity, LinkedIn fixes job-listing loophole, and why diversity and inclusion programs fall short.
A curt ‘Howza ’bout I do my job and you do yours?’ solves nothing. Instead, demonstrate your mastery over material and messaging, and set up a workflow protocol for all to follow.
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Follow these guidelines to take the high road and shore up your reputation management.
Also: Ford creates buzz with electric truck stunt, how video is essential for converting customers, you might not be using all your PTO, and more.
As workers increasingly are urged to be brand ambassadors, the company-endowed megaphone can start blaring adverse messages against leaders. Here’s how to mitigate any damage.
Also: A clever marketing insight from a Utah youth, how IPR creates buzz through video, and Berkeley nixes genders-specific terms.
Which cities offer prime living and working opportunities for new college grads? A move to Texas or California might be wise. Plus, check out a roundup of current job openings.
Also: Burger King plays ‘meat or no-meat,’ Huggies courts dutiful dads, and T-Mobile serves Taco Bell
Before your big event, do some sleuthing to identify attendees’ pain points and preferences. Use whatever nuggets you mine to shape your message and delivery.
Share trending posts, analyze analytics and add hashtags. Above all, be consistent and helpful.
Research suggests consumers want organizations to take a stand, but a high-profile position can turn your brand into a lightning rod. Is the risk worth it?
Also: Phrases to banish from the workplace, Starbucks ditches newspapers and how e-commerce is shaking up the retail industry.