How to use social media to win at customer service

Social media platforms can provide many opportunities for engagement. Follow these tips to make the most of them.

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Patrons use the different platforms as a way to find and gather information, ask questions and compliment (or complain about) your organization.

One of the first things you can do for your brand is to fill out a complete company profile. Include a comprehensive description of what your company is “about,” your hours, price range and anything else applicable to consumers.

After you have provided enough information and have uploaded company images, the next important thing to do on social media is interact.

Interacting on social media is important because it lets customers know you care—and they also expect it. A recent study by Eptica found that the average response times via email, Facebook and Twitter are:

That’s how long it takes for brand managers to respond, but the study revealed that customers’ expected wait times are drastically lower:

How can you beat the expected wait time and exceed your customers’ expectations through social media? Here are tips to help you interact on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat:



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